<h:inputtext rendered="#{!bean.hide}">
You can concatenate plain strings and value binding expressions, simply by placing them next to each other. Consider, for example,
<h:outputtext value="#{messages.greeting}, #{user.name}!">
Here is a typical use of a method binding expression.
<h:commandbutton action="#{user.checkPassword}">
The h:dataTable tag iterates over data to create an HTML table. Here's how you use it:
<h:datatable value="#{items}" var="item"><h:datatable value="#{items}" var="item">
The value attribute represents the data over which h:dataTable iterates; that data must be one of the following:
an array
an instance of java.util.List
an instance of java.sql.ResultSet
an instance of javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result
an instance of javax.faces.model.DataModel
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